2019. Inkjet prints on cotton and organza fabric. Images are scans of medium format film photographs that I’ve taken, as well as scans of photographs from my family archive that have been digitally printed onto fabric and layered together. 

 In these transparency studies, multiple images from different moments in time are layered on top of one another, re-contextualizing each image and converging lived experiences with imagined ones. Layering images is a form of story-telling, and mimics the experience of building and revisiting memory. At their essence, memories are stories we tell ourselves, as each time a memory is revisited it is reconstructed by the mind. The images in these studies operate as memories of moments that live at half opacity in my mind, present, but not fully specified, finished, yet incomplete. Layering these images together mimics the way memories merge together in reconstruction, as this warping process creates images and memories that are entirely our own, and exist only as such in our minds. These studies explore that tension by reforming and complicating the original photographs, so that they ring true to personal and specific memories. 


Wet Plate Collodion

